January 2022 - Free Online Wellness Classes

 07 Jan 2022

A short series of 3 FREE online classes discussing the most frequent requests and concerns of you my clients in the past few months. Email : Catriona@reveal.ie to sign up and receive your link.



Wheres Your Head At ?

Date: Thursday 13th January 

Online: 7pm 


Duration: 30 m/15 m   Q & A 


Topic: Managing Daily Stressors, Worries & overwhelm 

Requirements: A quiet space , Pen & Paper, Video turned on. 

Register: email catriona@reveal.ie



It all starts with breakfast!

Date: Thursday 20th January 

Online: 7pm 


Duration: 30 m/15 m   Q & A 


Topic: Tips on establishing good habits in the morning.  

Requirements: A quiet space , Pen & Paper, Video turned on. 

Register: email catriona@reveal.ie



Winding Down

Date: Thursday 27th January 

Online: 7pm 


Duration: 30 m/15 m   Q & A 


Topic: Creating a night time routine to enduce sleep

Requirements: A quiet space , Pen & Paper, Video turned on. 

Register: email catriona@reveal.ie
